A Spoonful of Paolo
A 7x Telly award-winning and Webby-nominated online talk show. Paolo Presta was discovered by Oprah Winfrey and brings his passion for talk shows and dreaming BIG to you in his intimate celebrity interviews.
A Spoonful of Paolo
We have a very special A Spoonful of Paolo holiday episode out today with Tony-nominated actor Megan Hilty! Megan is currently killing it as Madeline Ashton in Broadway's new hit musical Death Becomes Her. I've wanted to talk with Megan ever since I saw her play the one and only Galinda in Wicked back in 2007. I was so grateful to finally get the chance to sit down with her, and I loved our conversation. Her story, her talent and her perseverance has inspired me in so many ways, and she will remind you to follow your heart & do what makes you happy. Her graciousness, kindness and beauty shines right through her, and I hope you enjoy this very special episode!
To see the video version of this interview or any of our other interviews, head over to aspoonfulofpaolo.com or our YouTube channel. Thanks for listening and enjoy the show!
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