A Spoonful of Paolo
A 7x Telly award-winning and Webby-nominated online talk show. Paolo Presta was discovered by Oprah Winfrey and brings his passion for talk shows and dreaming BIG to you in his intimate celebrity interviews.
A Spoonful of Paolo
TLC's My Big Fat Fabulous Life starts it's 11th season today, and it's the first without Whitney's beloved mom Babs. I first interviewed Whitney Way Thore back in 2015, and I knew I needed to talk to her again as we both lost our mothers last year. The new season of her hit show is going to be full of raw tears and healing, and so was this conversation. It is an honor to kick off A Spoonful Of Paolo season 13 with my friend Whitney, and I hope you enjoy our chat as much as I did!
To see the video version of this interview or any of our other interviews, head over to aspoonfulofpaolo.com or our YouTube channel. Thanks for listening and enjoy the show!
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